Home / Civil War Genealogy / South Carolina / 18th South Carolina Artillery
18th South Carolina ArtilleryCSA Flag
Company Unknown
Ambrosio Jose Gonzales
- Colonel

Knowing the past we can understand our time and will prepare for the future.

Note : Ambrosio Jose Gonzales born in Cuba, married Charlestown S.C. lady Harriet Rutledge Elliot had 6 children, he was close friend of General P.G.T Beauregard and the Confederate Colonel Officer in charge of the Deparment of Artillery for the states of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida 1861-1865
Contact Name: Raul Hernandez-Baquero
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Date Added: 8/10/2006

Company C
KInchen H Blackman
- Artificer
Kinchen was born 26 Dec 1841 in High Hill Twp. Darlington County, South Carolina. He was about 20 years old when he enlisted at Darlington in Aug. 1861. Enlisted in Capt. D.G. McIntosh's Co of light Art'y. also known as Capt. Zimmerman's as well as Capt. Mayham Wards and others. He has three cards in his archival file. His pay is $12 per month with 40 cents extra per day as an Artificer.
His record is somewhat confusing as he is a patient in the hospital at Lynchburg, Va. on 1 Oct 1862. The remarks on the CMR of that date states that he deserted / to go west to join John Hunt Morgan's 2nd Kentucky Cavalry. I have not found his records in that unit.

He died 5 Dec 1880 in Darlington County and buried in the Swift Creek Baptist Church Cem. in that county. We are related by a distant marriage.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/28/2024

Company C
George W Hill
- Private
George was 22 years old when he enlisted at Darlington District, SC. on 18 Dec 1863. Enlisted by Zimmerman. This unit was known by several names. Manigault's Artillery, Alston's Battalion, and 18th Battalion [Heavy Artillery] aka SIEGE TRAIN. In the defense of Charleston, SC. When this unit was forced from Charleston the men were moved to Infantry units. See history in the book SIEGE TRAIN by Warren Ripley published 1986 by Charleston Library Society by University of SC Press.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/10/2019

Company C
Peter Preston Jordan
- Private
Peter was born 5 Sept 1847 in Darlington, Co. South Carolina. The 1860 census has him at age 12. He enlists at about 15 y/o on 1 Aug 1862 at Darlington in Capt. W.E. Zimmerman's Co. SC Arty. This unit became part of Major W.E. Manigault's and Major Charles Alston's Battalion of Heavy Arty. Serving at Fort Sumter, Grimball's Landing, Battery Wagner, James Island, John's Island, Charleston Harbor, Legareville, SC. 25 Dec 1863. After the evacuation if Charleston, Peter continued as Infantry in the Carolina Campaign. One source states that he was transferred to the New Co. C and saw action in Virginia, however this part of the story needs further study. He has 7 cards in his archival file. He died 28 April 1924 in Alligator Twp, near McBee, Chesterfield Co. SC and buried nearby at the First Baptist Church, Hartsville, SC. He was the father-in-law of my 2nd cousin 4 x removed.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/23/2022

Company C
Alexander McKenzie Mozingo
- Private
Alexander was born 29 Sept. 1837 in Darlington County, SC. The 1860 census show him in the aforesaid county at age 22. He enlists in 2nd Co. C Capt. Zimmerman's Artillery, and musters at Fredericksburg, Va. By Capt. Mcintosh. This Company falls under the command of Manigault's Battalion of Light Artillery. He has 7 items in his archival file. Battles Seven Days, Malvern Hill, 2nd Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, Carolina Campaign to name a few. He died a day before his birthday on the 28th Sept. 1882. Buried beside his wife Hannah C Smith at Hebron UMC Church, Bishopville, Lee County, SC. We are related by marriage.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/15/2023

Company C
John Calhoun Parnell
- Private
John was born 1 April 1850 and is listed on the 1860 census as being 10 years old. His father and several other family members were serving in the 21st SC Infantry. There are 4 cards in his archival file. Enlisted 4 Jan 1864 in the 2nd Co. C W.E. Zimmerman's Co. Artillery which was a part of the 18th Battalion Arty- Manigualt's at Charleston. His obit states that he was a Confederate Veteran who enlisted as a very young lad and served until the end of the war. Believe his company moved into Virginia and was engaged in many battles.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/27/2022

Company D
Joseph Edward Pettigrew
- 2nd Corporal
Joseph was born 7 Sept 1841. He was 19 y/o when he enlisted in Darlington, SC on 1 March 1861 in Captain D.G. McIntosh's Co. Pee Dee Rifles. On 2 Sept 1861 it became Co D 1st McCreary's Light Artillery. He has 4 archival cards in this unit. He company was then transferred and became Co C Manigault's Battalion of Artillery. aka 18th Battn: SC Arty, Alston's , Zimmerman's and McCreary's Companies. He has 8 archival cards in Manigault's Battn: 19 Aug 1864 he is promoted to 2nd Corporal. His battery was considered one of the best and saw hot action in many battles. Their battle station is marked at several large battles including Gettysburg. His Battalion flag was not surrendered but was wrapped around the body of one of the soldiers from Society Hill , SC and has been restored and is now in the State Museum in Columbia. He died 28 May 1909 in Darlington SC. He is buried beside his wife Martha Francis Tillman who is my 4th cousin 3 times removed.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/24/2021

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